Saturday, July 26, 2014

Welcome! Mom's in Desperate Need

I saw this picture online and had to share it. (Not an affiliation)

I hope you'll take a few minutes to read this. I have shared how to make money in an online community and realized at the time I was trying to build this blog. I didn't give it much a chance as I was overwhelmed with a "High Maintenance or High Demand" infant.
 I have older children and don't remember ever dealing with such a precious little one with BIG Boss Needs. I was so stinkin' overwhelmed, but was determined to meet my babies needs and... boy did it take the energy from me for the first two years. 
So I gave up on blogging for a while. What I regret the most is I deleted a lot of my posts on this blog. STINK! Anyway, I started up a new blog (My son is now almost 2 1/2) and I feel I can put in more time without losing my mind (ha ha..or did I?)
I hope you'll visit my new blog at

Here is something I shared on in response to a mother wanting to make money from home: 

There are several things I have done in my life and depending on your strengths and likes some will work for you and some won't. Here is my list:
1. Home Childcare (your state may require you to follow some rules before starting) This worked as long as you don't let the parents walk over you. What I mean is some may say they can't pay or had to stay later than expected. You have to make an agreement and follow it. If you don't, you'll be broke with extra kids in your home!
2. Cleaning Houses. I was so afraid and clueless on how to clean homes as a business. I used to charge minimum wage and did it off and on. About 3 years ago I got serious about it and was blessed to have my customers train me. I'm now a fast and confident cleaner who makes my customers really happy. I charge between $20-35 per hour, depending on the job. (Depending in the area you live you may be able to charge more). This is a job away from home but I work my own hours usually 4 to 5 hours at most. By doing this, you can meet lots of new people and then maybe sell to them some Avon, Home Decor, or whatever you think they'll like. (Double income).
3. Medical Transcriptionist. I went through and completed the training but because of my baby I wasn't able to do the job. (Most are online now). I wouldn't be able to keep him quiet for more than an hour and time is unpredictable with babies. So, this wasn't profitable to me.
4. Scentsy. I made some money with it but only stuck with it for a year. Plus, I didn't put more than 2 hours a week into it. I feel if I had followed through with the training and was careful not to spend too much money but used it wisely for marketing I probably would be making decent money by now. I got out of it because I lived out in the country and delivering orders was draining my profits. Instead I just recently joined Celebrating Home. 
5. Blogging: I just started this at and am slowly building it up since I homeschool, have a baby, and clean houses part-time (I'm killing myself! j/k). The kind lady who I paid to train me has given me valuable information that takes time to put together. She is making quite a bit on her blog and offers training. You can visit her website at On her blog she shares about how much she's impressive. As for myself, I haven't made money yet only because I haven't put into practice what she's given me. I'm trying! :)
6. Face Painting: If you're artisitic then you can do this as well! I have no professional training. I was encouraged by my wonderful mama to try this. So I went on YouTube, typed in face painting, and from there got so many helpful tips on how to paint certain designs, what products are great to paint with (thank you lisajoyyoung), and how to set up a booth. From there I ordered my paints, looked up my community events (chamber of commerce) and paid a booth rental fee, painted faces without letting people know I was scared to death, and made over $200 in less than 10 hours total. All of this in less than a month. (God gives me help and my daddy gave me a push every time I wanted to hide in my "fear shell".) 
Please be bold. I'm always trying new ways to make money that works around my family's schedule. I've lost money and gained money. That's what life's about and don't think you're dumb if you end up losing money. (Get good counsel before putting a lot of money into something especially if it jeopardizes your family's income, peace, etc.) There will always be the people who think you might be crazy, or will talk negative, but smile, remember not to share your ideas with them again, still love them, and go on.
I hope this helps and if you want to be encouraged about loving God, your family, your home, and have fun, come by my website! I would love to share many more things to help 
you. (Sorry if there are any misspellings. I usually look up any words I'm not sure about but with my baby sleeping right next to me I have to hurry and type my ideas. When he wakes up I have to get off the computer and put him right back to sleep. It's night time at the moment) ----Naomi Martin

Thanks for your time and I hope you'll visit my New Blog soon :)

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